Okay, here we go...against my better judgment, I have begun a blog. I realize that to most I am way behind "the times" but here I am nonetheless. "Why?" You may ask (and I don't even know who "you" are because I can't imagine who will read this or why). I recently had two of my soldiers on two different occasions ask, "Hey Chaplain, do you have a blog?" Thus, one reason I have begun this endeavor. Another reason is that since I prayerfully made to decision to go Active Duty in the Army Chaplaincy, I have been separated from friends and family and this seems like a great way to keep them abreast of what I'm into and also just a good discipline for me. I am not sure what direction this will end up going and I am even less sure of how often I'll post on here. I guess we'll figure that out together.
Today is "Good Friday," the Friday before Easter Sunday. I have a service I am helping out with in one of the Chapels on Post. Tomorrow I plan to drive San Antonino and visit an Easter Service at Oak Hills Church to hear Max preach. Then Sunday I have three services at the Chapels on post. I pray that in the bussiness, I don't lose a chance to focus and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. I pray also that you all may have a very blessed Easter with friends and family. I hope you go to church, it will do you good.
Lord willing, I will take a one week leave to go back to Ohio for the first time since Christmas. If you would please take a minute to pray for my safe travel and I will thank you in advance for doing so. Please come back here often and read my blogs, give me feed back and advice as I make this new journey into cyberspace. God bless you all - CH D
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