I love good Biblical preaching. As a Battalion Chaplain in the United States Army; I am not assigned to a chapel, but rather I am assigned to a Battalion of Soldiers. Therefore, since I have been on Active Duty these past several years, I have not had the opportunity to preach in a consistent manor. The majority of my time is spent in counseling sessions with my soldiers and doing necessary staff work serving as the Commander’s Special Staff Officer. I do my very best to make time for a ministry of presence to my Soldiers by eating in the dining facility with them, frequenting the motor pools and other work stations and accompanying them in each and every field exercise in which I am allow and able to participate. However, as much as I enjoy and have been so blessed by Soldier ministry; I truly miss have a consistent opportunity to teach and preach God’s Word from the pulpit on Sunday mornings. I host several individual and group Bible studies throughout the week, but in my heart there is just something so fulfilling and special about the awesome privilege of preaching to a gathered group of believers on a Sunday morning. I miss it!
I love good Biblical preaching. The most important hour in any Nation’s week is the hour when God’s Man approaches the pulpit to present God’s Word to God’s People. Preaching is teaching with a tear in the eye. Preaching is truth on fire. Preaching is the Word of God in the hand, the fire of God in the heart and the zeal of God in the soul. Preaching is the gift of God wrapped in an excited voice. Preaching is the moral conscience of a nation. Preaching is the soul of the church. Preaching is the throne room of society Preaching is the scepter and crown of the preacher. Preaching is the moral level of the succeeding generation. It was preaching that originally built our secular colleges. It was preaching that originally built our public school system. It was preaching that originally established our law system, and in the early days of our country, a degree in theology was a prerequisite to a law degree. It was preaching that started the Lord’s Church some two thousand years ago. I love the country preacher’s response to what takes place when he preaches on a Sunday morning; “I just set myself on fire and folks come to watch me as I burn.”
I love good Biblical preaching. Biblical preaching which understands that we have all sinned and that our sin has separated us from our God, and that no one can justify himself before our God, and that without Jesus Christ we are lost. Biblical preaching that understands that in spite of our sin, God loves us and wants us freed from our sin, and that He therefore gave his only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay that debt that He did not owe and that we could not pay.
I love good Biblical preaching. I am so thankful for each and every opportunity that God blesses me with the amazing privilege of preaching. I am so thankful for the godly men who stand behind the pulpit each and every Sunday to proclaim the Living Word of God. God bless good Biblical preaching.